Friday, November 28, 2014

Sagada, Mountain Province 2014 - Day 1

Up in the north!

When I heard my friends that we will be going to Sagada, the first thing came to my mind is 'oh! no... it's cold there!' Yeah, I am not fond of cold places because I prefer tropical islands. I love the beaches and sunlight! (isn't it ironic that I am a die hard fan of glutathione and whitening products?). To further explain myself with that, I prefer humid places because I can wear comfortable clothes and enjoy the water (may it be outside the beach or inside the hotel room). But since my friends are very eager to spend the weekend in the chilly mountains of Sagada, I gave it a shot.

We left Manila at exactly 10pm and arrived at 6am.

Before we started the activities listed in our itinerary, we had our breakfast at a local restaurant in Banaue located near their market, it was a bit foggy so we waited for the sunshine to say hello before we continued our journey.

First stop, Banaue Rice Terraces. I told you!!! it's foggy.. :(
 The weather didn't allowed us to take a picture of the mountain, too bad I was so excited to see the rice terraces as it is 1 of the 7 wonders of the world. Although, technically I saw it but the camera lens can't capture it, I still put a check on my bucket list now. ^_^

And I really tried hard to get a nice shot to show you the beauty of the rice terraces but this is only I can get...

So we opted to have a 746745274837 photo along the highway! :))
nice view though.

After capturing hundreds of photos in the highway, we decided to start the trekking when the sun greeted 'hello' to us.
Trek Aguid Rice Terraces.

More trekking!

and more.....!! haha. but mind you, the weather didn't cause any sweat in spite of the kilometers we walked down to see the marvelous falls.

...and finally! Swimming at Bomod-ok Falls (aka Big Falls)

The brave souls who went for a dive to experience how cold the water was... Don't look for me in the picture coz I didn't tried. Let's just say that cold water + me = don't click *wink*

After a short swimming in the cold water of the falls, we headed to our hotel to have our dinner and inuman session with the gang! :)
How to get there:
We decided to get a Tour Package from 
(highly recommended, they can also take your pictures for free, manong driver has his own DSLR :p)
 Pick up (and drop off)  point is in Trinoma (Quezon City).
*Round trip van transfer (Manila-Banaue/Sagada/Baguio-Manila)

*Driver, Tour Guide, Diesel, Parking & Toll fees
*Hotel /Lodging stay (either of the ff: Sagada Homestay, Misty Lodge, Residential Lodge, Igorot Inn)

Sample Itinerary c/o of NEC tours:

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