Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sun, Shades and Sand Dunes

 Paoay Sand Dunes

Prepare you shades, sunblock and strength in riding the ATV and try Sand boarding in Paoay Sand Dunes....

This one is not in our itinerary since our initial plan is to go back to Manila after Pagudpud, but because our driver is very pro-active in promoting the tourist spots in Ilocos... we decided to try riding in an ATV under the hot hot sun! :)

ATV (1 hour) and Sand boarding for only P2,500... This is affordable for something you can't see and do everyday.

Ready? Let's go!!!


Epic! Best jump shot ever...

Would you believe we have this kind of place here in Pinas? It's more FUN in the PHILIPPINES!

Jump Shot...FAIL.

Ambisyosa shot! haha...

Sand Boarding. Don't scream or might eat all the dust! Trust me...been there, done that! lol

The Survivors. 

Good bye, ILOCOS! Till our next visit... :)

**can't upload the video, I still can't figure out why. :(

By the seashore... Bangui and Pagupud visit

Pagudpud and Bangui

What comes in your mind when you hear the word "summer"? Me? Well, aside from vacation (which I don't really enjoyed now coz I'm a working-student) I associate the word to... BEACH. Although, I'm not really into swimming coz I'm a die-hard fan of Glutathione products and "tan + me" don't click...I still love hanging out at the seashore with my friends and family. I love the smell of the sea breeze coz it washes away all the stress I feel. ^_^

Here are some of the memorable photos we had during our Bagui and Pagudpud visit.

Bangui Wind Mills

20 Gigantic windmills are placed along the shorelines of Bagui beach. Each wind turbine costs $1.5M! 

Photographer: Melai Camacho... lol

My very own EMO shot...

Good bye Bangui, till our next visit...



Pagudpud shoreline... A very wonderful place to relax and enjoy your summer vacation.

Shot it like a pro! It was my childhood dream to become a photographer... 

 The Curve

Mean, Nyzel and Mhel...

With my girls! This was the only photo I had with them during the time that we were in Pagudpud. Why? because we are so busy enjoying the sea... ^_^

We definitely had a wonderful summer getaway... what's our next stop? We are planning to visit Caramoan Island. Although, it is not yet final because according to the news, Survivor US is currently having a shooting in the island and probably it will be closed to public until it is done. Second option is Potipot Island in Zambales... wanna join? C'mon in! :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ilocandia Tour - Day 2 Part 1

The Great Ilocandia Tour - Day 2

Cape Bojeador and Kapurpurawan

Since our Day 1 in Ilocos Sur was literally energy-draining because of commuting back and forth, we opted to rent a van for our Day 2 trip to Pagudpud. Good thing my friend brought her netbook (used my bb as internet modem) and searched for a "van for rent" online. We found one in and called the owner. For only P1,800(van rent) + P1,000(gas) = P2,800...we had a very relaxing, comfortable and exciting road trip to Ilocos Norte.

Take a glimpse of our Ilocos Norte trip...

...and we are ready to invade Ilocos Norte! Let's go...!

Ruins of Bell Tower

at Cape Bojeador Lighthouse...

Diwata ng Cape Bojeador... lol

walkway to the amazing Kapurpurawan Rock Formation...

 Mutya ng Kapurpurawan 2012! :))

The Little Mermaid in a Tinker Bell outfit. Haha...

The R'girls! I love this shot... the color, pose, background..everything! So epic.

Temptation Island

  • Cape Bojeador Lighthouse, also known as Burgos Lighthouse, is a cultural heritage structure in Burgos established during the Spanish Colonial times.
  • Kapurpurawan Rocks are rock formations created by forces of the ocean on the rocky coast of Burgos, located just a few minutes further from the lighthouse.
Courtesy of Wikipedia

Up next...

Pagudpud and Bangui Wind Mills

Monday, March 26, 2012

Vigan, Baby!

Forgive me, Laoag... But I love Vigan more!

After 2 hours inside the bus... finally, we arrived in Vigan. Honestly, we are very tired when we jumped off the bus because we literally had a road-trip. As in "puro road lang"! Imagine the 8 hours drive from Manila to Laoag tapos less than an hour lang yung City Tour. Then another 2 hours drive to Vigan... Good thing Vigan is a very beautiful place. Na-compensate naman yung pagod. 

Calesa ride to Baluarte... We rented a calesa for only P150 per hour.

Baluarte. A mini-zoo located in Salindeg, where visitors can see a variety of animals (including tigers, sheeps, snakes, etc). This is owned by Ilocos Sur Gov. Chavit Singson.

Hidden Garden. 
Yeah, we both have the same question in mind... How come we found it if this is really hidden? lol
This is the most relaxing place in Vigan. My friends bought some "bonsai" for only P100.00/each as pasalubong for their moms.

Nostalgia. Heritage at night...

I love Vigan shirts = P100.00 each
Vigan Chichacorn = 5 packs for P100.00
Vigan Longanisa = P100.00 per dozen
Keychains = P10.00 per piece
Bibingka = P130.00 per dozen
Empanada = P35.00 each
 Ilocos Suka (Vinegar) = P35.00 per bottle

Me and my manager's haggard shot. lol. 
We all got tired but we are very happy coz we finally made it to Vigan!

End of our Ilocandia Tour - Day 1.

Ilocandia Tour 2012 - Laoag

I've been MIA here in blogspot for a very long time...and for my first blog post for 2012, I want to share with you my Ilocandia tour...

The Commuters!
We left Manila at exactly 10:00pm
via Partas Bus Co. @ Cubao = One-way fare is about P900.00 for Deluxe (Manila to Laoag)
Yes, we travel by land this time...hehe...

We arrived in Laoag at 7o'clock in the morning...Checked-in in our hotel, had a very quick shower and started our whole day adventure. Forgive my early morning look! :)

Sinking Bell Tower

Laoag City Church. There was an on-going wedding that's why we can't enter inside.

Laoag City Plaza.

 It's working! This is a floral clock located outside Laoag City Hall. Beautiful isn't it?

On our way to Vigan (via Partas bus again) we are standing for almost an hour!
Fare to Vigan from Laoag is P180 (one-way)

I must say, this is the most affordable tour we had...although, commuting is really challenging for us.

Our Hotel: