Thursday, March 29, 2012

By the seashore... Bangui and Pagupud visit

Pagudpud and Bangui

What comes in your mind when you hear the word "summer"? Me? Well, aside from vacation (which I don't really enjoyed now coz I'm a working-student) I associate the word to... BEACH. Although, I'm not really into swimming coz I'm a die-hard fan of Glutathione products and "tan + me" don't click...I still love hanging out at the seashore with my friends and family. I love the smell of the sea breeze coz it washes away all the stress I feel. ^_^

Here are some of the memorable photos we had during our Bagui and Pagudpud visit.

Bangui Wind Mills

20 Gigantic windmills are placed along the shorelines of Bagui beach. Each wind turbine costs $1.5M! 

Photographer: Melai Camacho... lol

My very own EMO shot...

Good bye Bangui, till our next visit...



Pagudpud shoreline... A very wonderful place to relax and enjoy your summer vacation.

Shot it like a pro! It was my childhood dream to become a photographer... 

 The Curve

Mean, Nyzel and Mhel...

With my girls! This was the only photo I had with them during the time that we were in Pagudpud. Why? because we are so busy enjoying the sea... ^_^

We definitely had a wonderful summer getaway... what's our next stop? We are planning to visit Caramoan Island. Although, it is not yet final because according to the news, Survivor US is currently having a shooting in the island and probably it will be closed to public until it is done. Second option is Potipot Island in Zambales... wanna join? C'mon in! :)

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