Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sun, Shades and Sand Dunes

 Paoay Sand Dunes

Prepare you shades, sunblock and strength in riding the ATV and try Sand boarding in Paoay Sand Dunes....

This one is not in our itinerary since our initial plan is to go back to Manila after Pagudpud, but because our driver is very pro-active in promoting the tourist spots in Ilocos... we decided to try riding in an ATV under the hot hot sun! :)

ATV (1 hour) and Sand boarding for only P2,500... This is affordable for something you can't see and do everyday.

Ready? Let's go!!!


Epic! Best jump shot ever...

Would you believe we have this kind of place here in Pinas? It's more FUN in the PHILIPPINES!

Jump Shot...FAIL.

Ambisyosa shot! haha...

Sand Boarding. Don't scream or might eat all the dust! Trust me...been there, done that! lol

The Survivors. 

Good bye, ILOCOS! Till our next visit... :)

**can't upload the video, I still can't figure out why. :(

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