Thursday, April 12, 2012

Semana Santa 2012 (Bataan)

In the Christian community, Holy Week, also known as “Semana Santa” in tagalog, is one of the most important holiday season here in the Philippines. Semana Santa is celebrated with serious processions each night, complete with  floats of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, while everyone is in a state of mourning. For me, it is time to be with my family and friends...also, this is the time to reflect, give thanks and enjoy the only long weekend I have this year.

Huling Pitong Wika
(7 Last Words)

 The reason why I am always excited to go home during Holy week is because of the 7 Last Word Mass. I am in-charge in reading the 4th word, "Eli, Eli Lama Sabaktani", for almost 10 years.

 Fr. Ming baluran reading the 7th word.

3pm.  The mass was held outside (in front of the church) because of the ongoing renovation inside the church.

The Procession
"Byernes Santo"

"La Pieta"

"Mater Dolorosa"

"Santo Intiero"

Me and my 2nd degree cousins before the procession starts...

"Linggo ng Pagkabuhay"
Easter Sunday

Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia, Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia. 
Has risen, as He said, alleluia. Pray for us to God, alleluia.

How about you? How did you spend your Holy week? :)

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